Whenever you need to change a blade or bit on a power tool, always disconnect the electricity to the power tool before even beginning the blade change. 你要更换刀具或给电动工具换位之前,都要切断电源。
Clean damaged areas by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning, feather edges to sound and intact areas. 用喷砂或动力工具除去浮锈和其他松散物质,磨平边角,扫除残渣,补上完整漆膜使其达到原漆膜厚度。
A power tool for cutting wood. 切割木材的能量工具。
Use a blast cleaner or power tool to remove weld flux slag, weld metal spatters, weld flux fume deposits, rust and damaged paint film in welded areas. 通过喷砂或电动工具除去焊渣、飞溅焊烟、锈迹和焊接部损坏的漆膜。
Of course, in the wrong hands, a weed whacker can do damage like any other power tool. 当然,如果使用不当,weedwhackers割草机也会像其他电动工具一样造成损害。
Virtual reality technology is a power tool to solve the time delay problem of telepresence teleoperation system at present. 虚拟现实技术是目前解决临场感遥控作业系统中时延问题的有力手段。
Atlantis astronaut John Grunsfeld wields a specialized power tool on the mid-deck of the space shuttle. 亚特兰蒂斯宇航员格伦斯菲尔德挥舞约翰对中期的航天飞机甲板专业电动工具。
Spark production power tool 能产生火花的动力工具
The Internet has become the new global communication power tool of the21st century. 互联网已经成为21世纪有力的全球通迅工具。
We are a Germany-invested world-leading manufacturer of carbon products with wide applications in power tool, home appliance, automotive and industrial fields. 本公司为德国独资企业,是国际著名的石墨电碳制品专业制造商,产品被广泛用于电动工具、电器、汽车、工业等领域。
The stationary part of a machine or power tool that supports and drives a revolving part ( as a chuck or the spindle on a lathe). 机器或电动工具的支持或驱动旋转件(如卡盘或心轴)的固定部分。
Power Tool Running Parameter Prediction and Control Based on Neural Network 基于神经网络的电动工具运行参数的预测及控制
We also produce disposable Lithium cell, Li-ion battery, zinc-air battery, nickel-zinc battery ( under development), battery power management circuit, battery charger, e-bike, power tool, etc. 此外,公司还生产有一次性锂电池、锂离子电池、锌空气电池、镍锌电池(开发)、电池电源管理器、充电器、电动自行车、电动工具等产品。
The next power tool, the Remote Logging Configuration Tool, addresses this. 这次发布的远程日志配置工具解决了这个问题。
The idea that double-wall construction could never work in power tool design was broken! 双墙壁建筑无法在力量设计被打破的工具中工作的主意!
A power tool for smoothing or shaping wood. 用来切削木材的能量工具。
Honda's car, motorcycle, power tool and outboard motor businesses, for example, rest upon shared design and development skills. 例如,本田的汽车、摩托车、动力电焊和舷外民动机业务都基于共同的设计和开发技能。
Remove rust, mill-scale and other loose material by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning. 用喷砂或其他电动工具除去铁锈、氧化皮等。
A power tool used to buff surfaces. 用来抛光表面的能量工具。
When you are summoned or distracted while in the middle of performing an action with a power tool, remember to always finish the cut to a safe conclusion before dealing with the distraction. 你在使用电动工具做木工的时候要分心的话,记得要将工作安全的阶段。
Visual Studio Productivity Power Tool,, a set of tools to improve productivity, such as solution navigator, Tab well UI, Searchable Add Reference Dialog, and etc. VisualStudioProductivityPowerTool,这是一组用于提高生产力的工具,像解决方案导航器、带有改良的标签页的用户界面、可搜索的添加引用对话框,等等。
Petri Net is the power tool to describe the distributed systems. The cubic hierarchy Petri Nnets ( CHPN) is presented as the tool of modeling and analysis of real time multi agent system through the system supervisory, behavior and function. Petri网是描述分布式系统的强有力工具,立体分层Petri网是从系统的监控、行为和运行三个侧面分析实时分布式多智能体系统的建模和分析工具。
Development and study on properties of power tool lithium ion battery 电动工具用锂离子电池的开发和性能研究
This paper presents the potential capabilities of the monitoring of distributed real-time systems in providing both a power tool for conceptual scientific work and practical testing purposes. Starting out from the problems with today's industrial real-time systems. 指出了目前工业实时系统监测方面存在的问题,提出了一种在理论上和实际应用中监测分布式实时系统均具潜力的手段。
In Chapter 1, the significance to study on the project was analyzed by investigating the status quo of the axis straightening industry home& aboard and the background of power tool industry. 第一章通过对国内外校直技术的研究现状和我国电机行业特别是电动工具行业现状的调研,分析了自动校直机开发与应用的背景和意义;
Microsatellite DNA marker is regarded as a power tool for evaluation of genetic diversity. 微卫星DNA标记是目前家畜遗传多样性检测和评估中的最常用分子标记。
However, not all of the power tool can be used for all environments, it is based on some special environment and friendly to use at the request of some special use in the power tools will have some special requirements. 然而,并不是所有的电动工具都可以适合一切的使用环境,故基于一些特殊环境及人性化使用的要求下,一些特殊环境下使用的的电动工具就会有一些特别的要求。
This paper determine the movement configuration of crankshaft self-location machine tool according to the configure characteristics of the multi-axis machine tool movement, and Make preliminary design for the power tool. 本文根据多轴加工机床的运动方案配置特点,确定曲轴自寻位加工机床的运动配置方式,并对机床动力头提出初步设计方案。
Power tool drop could be happened in transport, sale and usage. 电动工具在运输,销售和使用过程中都有可能发生跌落。